About Us
Hello... This is Will from Mystic Crystal Imports.

My partners and I wanted to take a moment to say hello and welcome.
This site is dedicated to helping you along Your Crystal Journey, whether you are new to healing crystals or an experienced crystal enthusiast! We have a lot of excellent information about the metaphysical properties of crystal on our website. You can easily access this information through our visual crystal guide here. So you can see a crystal you like and learn about it right away without having to search any further.
Or you can search for a metaphysical use property and find the right crystals for you as well.
We have a passion for crystals and it is our goal to serve others who also have and interest or passion crystals. Our journey into crystals started during my frequent travels to China, Tibet and Nepal. Many of the people there felt a deep sense of reverence for power of stones and crystals. We started by items at local flea markets. And, people just started asking for things after they saw them in our home.

Now we want to help others find unique crystals, crystal healing tools, and gemstone jewelry.
We all have our own unique experiences with healing crystals. To say we believe the earth's crystals, minerals, and gemstones are mystical, magical and wonderful, we be an understatement. We are truly amazed by the beauty, variety and transformative power of crystals.
If there is some way we can help you with something not shown on our website or Facebook or Pinterest pages, please just let us know, we have tons of items not yet displayed on our website.
Here's what you can expect from us…
- Great prices on large natural crystal & mineral specimens.
- Great prices on hard to find Aura Quartz Crystals.
- Lots of great Amethyst and Ametrine crystals
- Wonderous Rutilated Quartz pieces
- A Wide variety of Reiki & chakra healing pieces such as:
- Reiki crystals,
- flatstones, palmstones, and massage & chakra wands.
Best regards,