The Quartz Crystal Guide
Quartz Crystal is a wondrous and magical stone that comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. In this guide, we will talk about the properties and powers of the different shapes and types of quartz. And we give you links to where you can buy them.
Crystal Quartz in General
Quartz encompasses a great many varieties of crystals that often are thought to be different types of gemstone, but are in fact another type of quartz. As well, within this family, there are other stones, which have their own little “families” as well.
More people collect quartz than any other crystal in existence. The reason is simple. High-quality quartz is such a beautiful stone and can be found across all the continents. The most common types of quartz crystals include clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, and smoky quartz.
The properties of these crystals are not limited solely to the metaphysical. Quartz is used in the electronics industry to both resonate and filter electronic frequencies. So they are perfect tools for aligning our energy bodies.
Quartz is a very powerful mineral, and it has been used for many purposes throughout history. It was first called querkluftertz in German by people who believed the quartz crystals had petrified lightning bolts from Zeus's thunderbolts or that they were preserved ice made manifest from frost giants' mouths. The Romans named them "krustallos," which translates to crystal as well as meaning icicle because of their belief that these jewels reminded them of iced gems formed deep within glaciers near Mount Olympus (home to Greek gods). Thousands of years ago when Sumerians invented writing, quartz was probably one of the first gemstones to be written on and also used as a stamp to make a written impression in clay.
What Does Quartz Do?
Crystal Quartz is a high vibration crystal. It is the most powerful and versatile healing stone. It can be used by itself or in combination with other crystals to bring harmony, order, clarity, and alignment to any situation concerning health and wellness. Quartz crystal amplifies energy which makes it a very powerful catalyst in the manifestation process. Crystal quartz aligns all chakras and subtle bodies, heals, grounds, and protects. It aligns the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies with the etheric body to ensure optimal health. Crystal quartz works on all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Crystal quartz harmonizes all chakras (especially the Earth Star Chakra), meridians, and subtle bodies by gently clearing and aligning them. It is especially helpful for those who tend to hold on to old negative emotions, thoughts, or attitudes as it helps one release the past and bring balance into one's life.
At some level all Crystal Quartz aere master healers as they work on all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It restores health by working at the level of the etheric body to release negative energies from our auric field. It activates all levels of healing so that the physical body can heal itself.
What does Quartz Crystal Do?
Crystal quartz also helps one develop psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, and remote viewing.
Metaphysical Properties
All quartz crystals have 6 primary metaphysical properties. They are able to structure, store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy, which includes thought, emotion, and information. The properties of these crystals are not limited solely to the metaphysical.
Chakra Healing
In chakra healing and personal development, quartz crystals act like tuning forks, gently but powerfully returning our bodies' frequencies to a healthier, more natural state. Quartz naturally balances and energizes both our gross and subtle bodies. Studies have shown that holding a small, double-terminated quartz doubles the photographable portion of the human aura.
Clear Crystal Quartz
Clear Crystal Quartz is a form of quartz that is transparent and shows no internal reflection. It is more commonly referred to as Clear Quartz Crystal.
Crystals such as quartz form naturally from the cooling and crystallization of molten magma. This is called syngenesis, meaning that they form in place without being transported. In order for quartz to form, it must cool very quickly. If it cools more slowly, it starts to form feldspar instead of quartz. Epidote is an example of a mineral that forms from the slow cooling of magma and is therefore found in large crystals within cooling lava flows. Quartzite, formed from the rapid cooling of magma, is a source of common quartz.
Crystal Quartz Meaning
By clearing your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter, a Clear Quartz crystal can help you align with your highest self and live at your highest potential. By helping you get crystal clear on what you want and how to manifest it, the Clear Quartz crystal meaning supports you in creating a vision of your life that is unique to you. The Clear Quartz crystal stone helps you drown out the noise from the outside world or any internal distraction so you can see your ideal life in your mind's eye and work toward making it a reality. Whether it's outside influence or internal lack of clarity that is preventing you from getting crystal clear, a Clear Quartz crystal can help. From this place of complete understanding and awareness, the Clear Quartz crystal meaning teaches you to make decisions in alignment with your goals. When you are unsure, uncertain, or unclear, there's no better crystal to help you zero in on the kind of life you want for yourself. Because it works by raising your vibration and helping you stay clear on what you want to create, a Clear Quartz crystal is the ideal stone for manifestation. Although the entire family of Quartz crystals are known for their manifesting abilities, Clear Quartz crystal properties are especially useful for this type of practice because they allow you to supercharge your intentions. In the same way that Clear Quartz can charge other crystals, it can amplify and enhance the power of your intention.
Meaning of Quartz Crystal
Quartz Crystal Meanings at a Glance
Quartz crystal meaning is abundant. Perhaps the most widely known use of quartz crystals is in watches, where they are used to help keep time. Quartz crystals are also used for meditation and healing purposes. The high-energy quartz crystal meaning can clear your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter so you can align your highest self and live life at its highest potential. The rock crystal quartz stone helps drown out the noise from outside world or internal distractions so you can see a vision of your ideal life in your mind's eye and work toward manifesting it into reality.
Clear Crystal Quartz Meaning
Quartz crystal meaning states that by clearing your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter, a Clear Quartz crystal can help you align with your highest self and live at your highest potential. By helping you get crystal clear on what you want and how to manifest it, the Clear Quartz crystal meaning supports you in creating a vision of your life that is unique to you. The Clear Quartz crystal stone helps you drown out the noise from the outside world or any internal distraction so you can see your ideal life in your mind's eye and work toward making it a reality. Whether it's outside influence or internal lack of clarity that is holding back your manifestation process, having a Cleanse quartz crystal around is one way to ensure that energy does not impede the process of you creating your own reality within.
Quartz is a master stone for boosting and amplifying energy, so it's no surprise the Clear Quartz crystal meaning has to do with what you want most in the world: manifestation. It increases life force energy and overall sense of well-being while protecting against negative outside influences. Being "crystal clear" about what you want is also a way to align with your higher self, which helps get rid of any blocks that are standing between where you are now and where you know yourself to be meant to be. If only there was some kind of tool that offered energy protection as well as increased life force; improved sleep patterns; greater feelings of attunement, awareness, and focus; stronger intuition; and all the benefits that come with being "crystal clear"! Well, there is - it's a Clear Quartz crystal!
2022 Holiday Crystal Gift Ideas
Properties of Quartz Crystal
Quartz crystal is reported to increase intuition and enhance psychic abilities by helping a person become more aware of their own energy fields. They are believed to be useful tools for manifestation programs, as they are said to help people attain their goals by enhancing one's willpower and visualizations.
Quartz crystal is reported to be an excellent "dream stone" because it is said that quartz crystal can show you your dreams. It is thought to enhance dream recall and assist in solving problems during the dream state.
People wear Quartz Crystal for spiritual healing or energy enhancement purposes, as Quartz Crystals are believed to have the power of balancing yin-yang energies and enhancing spirituality.
Quartz Crystal is also worn by people who wish to appear more attractive and appealing, as well as those who hope to draw others towards them. (I'm sure a lot of suppliers will love you if you do so!)
Most importantly quartz crystal gives protection against negative outside influences protecting the aura from any form of negative energy or harm. It also emits its own positive and protective energy.
People who wear Quartz crystal enjoy the fact that it is also said to be self-cleansing; thus, the wearer never needs to take off their quartz crystals for recharging purposes.
However, some people are skeptical about these metaphysical properties of Quartz Crystal and believe that all these claims are just superstition.
Well, whatever your belief maybe you should keep an open mind until you actually hold a piece of quartz crystal in your hands... There is really no sure way to know whether it's true or not unless you experience it yourself!
Crystal Quartz Properties
Quartz Crystal is a mineral that is used as a gemstone, in the form of clusters or single crystals. Quartz Crystals are believed to increase intuition and psychic abilities by helping people become more aware of their own energy fields. Quartz crystal can also be used for manifestation programs because they are said to help people attain their goals with increased will power and visualizations. Quartz Crystals are known as "dream stones" because it is believed that they can show you your dreams, and assist in solving problems during the dream state.
Some people wear quartz crystals for spiritual healing or energy enhancement purposes, as they are believed to balance yin-yang energies and enhance spirituality. Wearing quartz crystals for those who hope to appear more attractive may result in drawing positive attention from others. Quartz crystals also provide protection against negative outside influences and emit its own positive and protective energy. Some people are skeptical about the metaphysical properties of quartz crystal and believe that all claims are superstition, but the fact that so many people put their trust on these beliefs convey how powerful quartz crystals can possibly be if you actually experience it yourself!
Benefits of Quartz Crystal
Quartz crystals have numerous benefits. Quartz is made up of silicon and oxygen, and the crystal structure is hexagonal in shape. The natural properties of this mineral make it a powerful tool for healing and self-development.
Natural Crystal Quartz
Natural Quartz is a variety of quartz that has not been heated or treated in any way, so it is not synthetic. This type of quartz is often found as beautiful crystals, clear and transparent in color, and is often used in jewelry making. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. These also happen to be the most valuable to collectors.
Quartz Crystal for Healing
Quartz crystal is a clear stone that has been used for healing from the time of ancient times. Quartz crystals are known to have a strong vibration that helps balance and support the body, mind, and emotions.
In the ancient times, quartz crystals were used to cure diseases in the body such as fever, rheumatism, arthritis, and kidney stones. Quartz was also used to create talismans and amulets to protect the wearer from bad luck. Quartz crystal is also a type of quartz that absorbs negative energy in the environment and emits positive energy.
Quartz crystal is sometimes called rock crystal, especially when it has inclusions in its minerals; these are the original elements that were present when quartz formed. The larger includements within a particular piece of quartz crystals are called “ghost crystals”, and are sometimes used as a metaphysical stone tool to create the impression of the presence of soul or higher self.
Quartz Stone Crystal
Quartz is a mineral made up of silicon dioxide (SiO2) with the chemical formula SiO2. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth, and it forms as a result of the metamorphism of sand or quartzite. Quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth, occurring in many forms and colors. Quartz Stone Crystal is most often referred to as Quartz Crystal.
Scientific Properties
Quartz is used in the electronics industry to both resonate and filter electronic frequencies. So they are perfect tools for aligning our energy bodies. The structure of quartz can also possess additional metaphysical properties based on their geometry as well as the properties of their inclusions and other features.
In choosing a crystal it is helpful not only to consider the particular characteristics of the stone itself, but also its shape. What does the crystal make you feel? Your feelings towards a crystal are always the most important factor.
Varieties of Quartz
Clear Quartz Crystal
- Considered as the "Master Healer Crystal"
- Known as a "Stone of Power"
- Protects Against Negativity
- Mohs Hardness of 7
- Trigonal crystal structure
- Appearance: Varies from clear, cloudy, to solid white.
Extremely popular metaphysically, Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer" of the mineral kingdom. Its very high vibration gives it the most unique qualities among all the healing stones and crystals.
Clear Quartz is also known as the "Stone of Power" because it amplifies any energy or intention. Clear Quartz is believed to protect against negativity and attune to your higher self. Quartz crystals are very programmable and have a tendency to hold an intention much longer than other minerals.
Clear Quartz has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras. Since Clear Quartz absorbs energies very easily, it is important to clear these stones on a regular basis.
We have many different Shapes of Clear Quartz.
We invite you to view our collection below.
Smoky Quartz Crystal
- • Known for "Grounding & Protection"
- • Used for Finding Your Center
- • Great Calming Properties
- • Mohs Hardness of 7
- • Trigonal crystal structure
- • Appearance: Varies from light to dark brown, clear to solid.
Smokey Quartz helps ground the holder with the Earth's energies and is good for working with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. Use Smokey Quartz to absorb and transmute negative energy. Smokey Quartz can help integrate messages and/or spiritual energy received in higher chakras into the lower chakras and anchor expanded consciousness into the physical body. Smokey Quartz works with all of the Chakras
Below you can view some harder to find large Smoky Quartz pieces
Rose Quartz Crystal
- • Known for "Love & Connection"
- • Used for Relationships & Love
- • Great Empowering Properties
- • Mohs Hardness of 7
- • Trigonal crystal structure
- • Appearance: Varies from light to dark pink, clear to solid.
Regularly referred to as the “Love” or “Heart” Stone, Rose Quartz is a gem of unconditional love, whose energies help to open oneself to all forms of available love: self love, familial love, platonic love, romantic love, and more.
Rose Quartz is said to bring inner peace and harmony though gentle forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance while balancing one’s emotions. Raising one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth, Rose Quartz is known to heal many emotional wounds, trauma and grief.
What is Amethyst?
Amethyst is a royal, luscious, rich, seductive, vibrant, and alluring purple variety of quartz mined at many locations throughout the world. Amethyst gets its color from iron and aluminum impurities inside the underlying quartz structure.
The colors range from light purple to deep violet to pale red-violet (pink amethyst). The deep purples and pinks are the most valuable, particularly a rich purple with rose flashes.
- • Considered a "Top Protection Crystal"
- • Used for Thousands of Years"
- • Quite Powerful in Cluster Form
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
Deities: Bacchus, Dionysus, Diana
Powers: Dreams, Psychism, Peace,Love, Courage, Happiness
Candle Color: Purple/Dark Blue
We have many different types of Amethyst.
We invite you to view our collection below.
Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz is an example of how miracles occur in nature. Science doesn't fully understand how rutilated quartz is formed since the softer metal colored hairs grew into the harder surrounding quartz crystal.
So you can understand why this crystal was associated with angels and protective spirits in ancient lore all around the world.
Metaphysical Properties:
Rutilated Quartz is an effective purifier and integrator of energy. It encourages letting go, helps you to clear your mind, teaches you how to sharpen your focus, and strengthens your light body so that you gain more profound insights.
Rutilated Quartz connects you to your soul-plan and helps you to understand the effects of previous actions and ingrained patterns. It helps you to distinguish between karma as `payback for previous actions' and your soul intention.
We have many different Shapes of Rutilated Quartz.
We invite you to view our collection below.
Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal
Metaphysical Properties:
Tourmaline Quartz combines the properties of Tourmaline and Clear Quartz Crystal. Tourmaline purifies ones own energies and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies focused through it.
Tourmalinated Quartz harmonises conflicting and opposing elements and polarities, and turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones.
Magical Properties:
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water (and Air)
Planet: Pluto
Deities: Manat
Candle Color: White
Quartz which is penetrated by black tourmaline crystals is often worn during rituals to stimulate astral projection.
It is commonly used in rituals as a symbol of unity.
Hematoid (Golden Healer) Quartz Crystal
Metaphysical Properties:
Hematoid Quartz, also known as Golden Healer, Red Healer, and Fire Quartz, is a transformational crystal that blends the amplifying properties of Quartz with the stabilizing force of iron that becomes Hematite.
It brings a unique clarity and understanding to the emotions. The combination of Quartz and Hematite (Iron) balances the body, mind and spirit. Hematoid Quartz also assists when Self Worth and Self Esteem are lacking. Hematoid Quartz can assist not only in removing negativity but also transforming and transmuting the negative energy into pure love and light!
Energy: Receptive
Element: Water (and Air)
Planet: Pluto
Deities: Manat
Candle Color: White
- • Considered the "Crystal of Success"
- • Emmits a "Warm Energy"
- • Helps to Boost Self-Confidence
Magical Gemstone Properties:
Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun, Jupiter
Powers: Protection, Psychic Power
Deities: Persephone, Mercury
Powers: Protection, Psychism, Nightmare Prevention
Candle Color: Lemon Yellow
We have many different Citrine Pieces in addition to these below.
We invite you to view our collection below.
Amphibole Quartz
What is Amphibole Quartz?
Amphibole Quartz or Angel Phantom Quartz is a rare variety of Quartz with inclusions of various minerals that include Actinolite, Hornblende, Riebeckite, Richterite and Tremolite, either on their own or in combination. The colours of the inclusions range from white, yellow, orange, and red/brown. Amphibole Quartz /Angel Phantom Quartz is found in Brazil.
The frequency of Amphibole Quartz connects to the third eye and crown chakras. Its energy activates these chakras allowing one to open and expand one’s consciousness to the higher dimensions.
It helps one to connect and feel the love of one’s soul and to bring this loving energy into one’s everyday life so that one lives in joy and peace with oneself and others.
Amphibole Quartz can be used while meditating to aid one in becoming calm and centred so that one may receive insights from one’s higher-self, soul, and to help reveal deeply held emotional patterns and beliefs that need to be released for one to move forward.
We have many Quality Amphibole Quartz Pieces.
View our collection by clicking below.
Scenic-Lodolite Quartz
What is Scenic Quartz?
Scenic Quartz also known as Shamanic Dreamstones , Lodolite Quartz, Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz.
Each Scenic Quartz looks different. No two will ever be the same as they are a particular type of clear quartz that contain inclusions that appear as whisps, growths or layers lying within the quartz. Some contain green inclusions, which are usually Chlorite, others are reddish, meaning Iron is present. Some may contain whisps of Citrine or Smokey Quartz, whilst others may have rutile in them. Rutile inclusions are incredibly rare however (Shown in Picture).
Shamanic Dreamstones are also great visualisation and manifestation tools. They can take our vibrations higher, which enables us to connect & communicate with the Spirit world and enhances our psychic gifts.
We have many Quality Scenic Quartz Pieces.
View our collection by clicking below.
Spirit Quartz
What is Spirit Quartz?
Spirit Quartz is rare type of quartz that has many very small quartz crystals growing over larger quartz cluster. This magnifies the power. Each little crystal radiates in harmony with all of the other little crystal to radiate a very strong vibration.
Use the Spirit Quartz radiance to vibrate higher and tap into the depths of your own spirit. With this cluster, you will learn to how to tap into your inner knowledge, wisdom and knowing while also growing and expanding spiritually.
It is found only in South Africa, where a particular tribe is responsible for mining the stone. The women of the tribe find and clean the stone, and take great care with doing this.
We have many Quality Spirit Quartz Pieces.
View our collection by clicking below.
Quartz Clusters
Metaphysical Properties of Clusters
In cluster form, Clear Quartz Points radiate their energies outward, into the surrounding environment. Clear Quartz Clusters can be programmed with intention and kept in a central place to emit their helpful energies. Placing a Clear Quartz Cluster on your desk where you work can help to relieve stresses and promote peace among those who enter the room.
First, quartz clusters make a great centerpiece for a grid. They hold the frequency of your intention (make sure your intention is crystal clear!) and amplify the vibration of the crystals that you place around it.
Multiple Clear Quartz Clusters, when strategically placed throughout the home or office, can have the beneficial effect of transmuting negative energies, and promoting higher vibrations within the environment. Some crystal lovers find that gridding a space like this actually keeps negativity from ever entering the protected area in the first place. While any type of Quartz formation is fine for gridding, Clear Quartz Clusters are perfect for this purpose.
We have many Amazing Quartz Clusters.
View our collection by clicking below.
The Crystal Shape Guide
Common Quartz Shapes
Terminated Quartz Points

Generally speaking, we have found that in terms of intensified and directed energy there is no more powerful shape than a terminated point such as are found in quartz, amethyst, citrine, and smoky quartz, among others. This is because a termination centers and focuses energy.
They are very useful for programming because when you put the energy of your intention into them they focus it; you might say they point to your goal.
They are also very helpful in breaking up energy blockages. One of the things you can do in a crystal healing/meditation is to rotate a quartz point over an area which feels congested.
If you don't know about a congestion from feeling it you may know it exists because of an imbalance in your life. For example, if you have difficulty in feeling self-esteem this is a third-chakra blockage. To work on this (among other actions) you could rotate a quartz point in a clockwise direction over the navel/solar plexus area. Doing this can be more effective if you place a citrine in this area.
Holding a termination in your hand when you meditate will help you to focus on meditation.
The most common form for a crystal point is a simple termination. Variations include double-terminated points (points at both ends) gemini (twin) crystals, tabular (flat) points, window crystals (with a diamond shape on the point), and channeling crystals.
Crystal points are available in many forms:
- A single crystal point is often used in healing. Pointed away, it draws energy off the body. Pointed inward, it channels energy inward.
- A Generator (or Standing Point) is a powerful tool to aid focus and clarity of intention. It optimizes the stone's healing facility.
- A double terminated point channels energy in two directions at once and provides a bridge between two energy points.
Quartz Spheres

The sphere represents completion, fullness, the realization of all possibilities. It has no beginning or end.
To carve a sphere one must cut away a mass of crystal which can be as much as ten times the finished creation. A sphere symbolizes all that we need to release in order to reach the realization of our own innate perfection.
In feng shui, the ancient art of creating optimal energy flow in an environment, disharmony is created by sharp angles and edges. In that context a sphere is the most harmonious form possible. Because of its balancing energy it is ideal to place in the center of a room (called the T'ai Chi). It's also the perfect centerpiece for a crystal arrangement or for an altar.
Decoration with a purpose: Place a gemstone sphere in a room or on your bedside dresser or office desk to emante a particular energy that you feel is needed. For example, a rose quartz sphere at your bedside surrounds the room with love. A crystal ball will cleanse the room of negativity, while a jasper sphere will emanate protection. Bring money to your business with a malachite sphere
Because it has no beginning or end it can place us very much in the here and now. I find that holding a sphere while I meditate helps me to release worry and take me to a deeper state.
We also find that gazing at the rainbow in crystal sphere is a wonderful way to go deeper into meditation.
Quartz Eggs
Historically, the egg symbolizes fertility and new beginnings. When we translate this into spiritual terms the egg shape symbolizes the first stage for the realization of our goals and dreams.
For example, if you are feeling vulnerable and perhaps low in self-esteem and want to change this you could meditate with a crystal egg. Meditate, holding the egg in your hand ( eggs have a special, comforting feeling.)
Imagine the situations (or people) which arouse vulnerable feelings in you. Feel the energy of your crystal egg encircling you like a shield or armor. Ask what you can do to change this situation, how you can be different. See yourself responding to the situation or person in an appropriate way (for example, by being assertive). Visualize yourself being this way until it feels real and powerful to you.
Repeat as needed.
You can also program your egg for the results you have envisioned.
After you've programmed the egg you can continue to meditate with it. You may find that it's even more helpful.
Quartz Clusters
First, quartz clusters make a great centerpiece for a grid. They hold the frequency of your intention (make sure your intention is crystal clear!) and amplify the vibration of the crystals that you place around it.
In cluster form, Clear Quartz Points radiate their energies outward, into the surrounding environment. Clear Quartz Clusters can be programmed with intention and kept in a central place to emit their helpful energies. Placing a Clear Quartz Cluster on your desk where you work can help to relieve stresses and promote peace among those who enter the room.
Multiple Clear Quartz Clusters, when strategically placed throughout the home or office, can have the beneficial effect of transmuting negative energies, and promoting higher vibrations within the environment. Some crystal lovers find that gridding a space like this actually keeps negativity from ever entering the protected area in the first place. While any type of Quartz formation is fine for gridding, Clear Quartz Clusters are perfect for this purpose.

They are amazing allies in energy work. If you want to use crystals as a part of your own personal healing, find seven small quartz clusters, one for each chakra. It’s as simple as that. This is a really powerful layout.
Energy becomes stuck in our chakras, disrupting flow and in many cases promoting physical or mental illness. Quartz clusters, when placed on a chakra, break up blockages and jump-start your process of release.
Make sure you follow this up with lots of loving kindness towards yourself, and an effort to care for yourself on a physical, mental, and emotional level. If you don’t, you will likely end up with the same blockage again. Make sure your work with crystals is part of a complete wellness plan and you’re not relying on them alone to solve your problems.
Clusters can also be used in your home or office to keep the energy moving. If you do regular space clearings, place them in corners, where energy easily becomes trapped, while you work.
Clusters are crystals grouped on a common matrix. Where there is no matrix the crystals bridge together. These wonderfully healing crystals encourage a sense of community, creating harmony and removing negativity from its environment, whether that is on a body or in a room. One of the easiest crystals to use for chakra healing. The intrinsic group energy of clusters easily removes blockages and strengthens the all the chakras. The same properties make them the first choice for cleansing and activating other healing stones. Clusters sometimes contain many metaphysical formations, their properties all working together harmoniously.
Quartz Crystal FAQs
What is Quartz?
Quartz crystal is silicone dioxide. Its chemical formula is SiO2, and it's a solid.
Much of the quartz we all know contains impurities that create clear to milky coloring, or chatoyancy (a thin line that can be seen as the light reflects off the stone). Inclusions, thick portions of other minerals in Quartz Crystals are often found in Quartz Crystal. The most common minerals found within quartz are iron, aluminum and titanium oxide (rutile)
How Does Quartz Form in Nature?
Most quartz forms in either igneous rocks or environments with geothermal waters.
In igneous rocks, quartz forms as magma cools. Like water turning into ice, silicon dioxide will crystallize as it cools. Slow cooling generally allows the crystals to grow larger. Quartz that grows from silica-rich water forms in a similar way. Silicon dioxide dissolves in water, like sugar in tea, but only at high temperature and pressure. Then, when the temperature or pressure drops, the solution becomes saturated, so quartz crystals form.
Where are Quartz crystals found?
Most quartz forms in either igneous rocks that had volcanic activity or environments that had geothermal waters.