Hematite Properties



Stone of Higher Mind

Quite a strange stone indeed, Hematite is sold as a heavy, silvery metallic black luster and bulbous shape, with an inner core stained the color of blood.

Ancient texts tells us that this stone was what was once called ‘Bloodstone’, although not the Bloodstone we know of today.

Often in modern times, what is often called Hematite (or Hemalyke), is actually an imitation substance that is (or should be) referred to as Hematine.  Hematine is made of stainless steel, comium and nickel sulfides. Hematine resembles Hematite to such a degree that visually it is difficult to discern the difference. However, it is the imitator Hematine that is magnetic, not the natural Hematite.  Most Marcasite these days is crafted by faceting Hematite, as actual Marcasite tends to dissolve or erode quickly when exposed to the air.

Scientific Gemstone Properties

Mohs Hardness of 6.5 with a trigonal crystal structure.

Hematite generally occurs as massive opaque material with a metallic luster, showing an incredible blood red color when cut or ground.  It may however, also occur as short, black rhombohedral crystals as well, and may have iridescent surfaces.

When the minerals are arranged like petals on a flower, it is called an “Iron Rose”, and exceptionally shy crystals were once referred to as “Specular” Hematite, which has no reference to Specularite/Labradorite as a mineral.  It is found mainly in Canada around Lake Superior, also in Brazil, Venezuela, and England.

Metaphysical Gemstone Properties

Besides Hematites association with blood and healing, it is also known as a ‘stone for the mind’, or a ‘stone of the higher mind’, as it brings one incredible grounding and calm helping one to focus and organize the mind. Assisting in original thought, logical thinking as well as mathematics, it acts well as a firm stabilizing force.
Hematite is an excellent stone to have with one when being bombarded with multiple energies of people, stones and crystals or environmental substances as it will attract, negate, and dissipate negative energies from all around.

Healing Gemstone Properties

Energies, utilizing the magnetic qualities of the stone to balance the meridians within, and to prove a stable equilibrium between the physical and ethereal nervous systems.

Related to the blood, Hematite is used to assist in ailments related to blood circulation, as well as the treatment of diseases such as anemia or embolisms.  Told to assist one’s body in the absorption of iron into the small intestine, this in turn improves the oxygen supply to one’s body, increasing blood flow.

Use Hematite to reduce bloodshot eyes, headaches, and to stave off heat stroke.

Hematite should not be cleansed or discharged with water, as it may weaken the stone itself, rather place it among Rock Crystal or Salt.  Hematite will release the negative energy it has collected and at the same time be recharged with positive energies.

Due to the strength of the negative absorbing properties of Hematite, it may also be used to cleanse and clear other gemstones as well.

Magical Gemstone Properties

Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Planet: Saturn
Powers: Divination, Grounding & Healing
Candle Color: Silver

Most Ancient references, to what is now called Hematite, were for a mineral named Bloodstone. It is not the Bloodstone we know of today, but Hematite which is known to work with blood issues. It also may be ground into a powder that is the color of blood.

Said to be a very powerful Healing stone for drawing illness from the blood of the body.

It is also recognized as a beneficial tool for scrying, with it’s reflective surface, as well as a helpful touchstone to keep with one to ward off and dissolve negative energies.

Zodiac Gemstone Properties

Zodiac Stone of: Aries & Aquarius

Associations: Mars

Birthstone: Not a Birthstone for any month.

Although a stone of Aries and Aquarius, Hematite is also assigned to Scorpios, to whom it not only protects but also is told to warn of impending danger by changing temperature.

Chakra Gemstone Properties

Hematite is used effectively on the 1st, Root/Base Chakra, but also energizes with the “Earth Star” Chakra found in the planes below the feet.

Particularly useful and effective at grounding and protecting, Hematite will harmonize one’s mind, body and spirit. It is often used for journeying, as it protects the soul and grounds it back into one’s body.

Hematite is said to prevent negative energies from entering the aura, allowing harmony in one’s body.