Unakite Properties


Stone of Higher Spiritual Forces

Unakite…or Epidote with feldspar as it is also known, consists of a combination of deformed feldspar, green epidote and quartz solidly bound together, thus creating the beautiful pistachio and pink coloring. The splashes of soft peach against a fresh green colored background makes Unakite a much beloved and magical gemstone.

The stone takes it’s name from the Greek word epidosis, meaning “growing together”, and it is these materials bound together that conveys the meaning that what comes together, belongs together.

Scientific Gemstone Properties

Mohs Hardness of 6.5 with a monoclinic crystal structure

Deep in the Unaka Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina, Peach Feldspar (a sister to Moonstone) formed in Quartz rich Granite, while green Epidote precipitated out of nearby magma flows, and it is this marriage of elements that gave birth to a beautifully balanced gemstone.

Unakite does not crystallize. It is found in masses, much like Chalcedonies are. Some deposits are found in Zimbabwe and Switzerland, but the gemstone is named for it’s North American home, the Unaka Mountains. Occasionally the gem is listed as Epidotized Granite or Grandodiorite, but it is Unakite that is the most commonly known.

Pebbles and boulders of Unakite have been found in Glacial drifts around the Great Lakes, especially near Lake Michigan.

Metaphysical Gemstone Properties

Carrying the gemstone as a companion stone will help one to maintain a balance between spiritual and physical lives.; allowing them to join forces in assisting one to create the life one needs.

Unakite is excellent at removing obstacles to one’s personal growth. Whether it is an issue from childhood or last month’s catastrophe that is draining energy and holding one back. Meditations with this Unakite will aid in releasing pain and anger that one may have been having trouble letting go of.

One may use Unakite to build self-confidence, as it strengthens courage, assisting one in taking control of the aspects of life that one is able to yield power over. Giving confidence to transform anger and fear into positive constructive energies. Like love and compassion for oneself.

Healing Gemstone Properties

Healers believe that Unakite’s ability to unleash buried emotional pain and to also aid in the body’s healing process.

Since many illnesses began as an unhealed trauma to one’s psyche, letting go of emotions aids the body’s tissue in relaxing on a cellular level. Thus promotes healthier organs, muscles and soft tissue.

Unakite is recommended for a safe pregnancy (as is Moonstone) and the healthy growth of the infant while in its mother’s womb. Unakite may also be helpful in achieving targeted weight gain to specific areas of the body.

Magical Gemstone Properties

Energy: Receptive
Element: Fire & Water
Planet: Mars & Venus
Powers: Clarity & Transformation
Candle Color: Moss Green

Legend tells us that one who carries Unakite will have the power to locate things that have been lost. It can also help one remain powerful in situations where otherwise one may become a victim.

Zodiac Gemstone Properties

Zodiac Stone of: Scorpio

Associations: Pluto

Birthstone: Not a Birthstone for any month

Sorrow may not harm the bearer the Unakite, nor will they be affected by despair or self pity

Unakite primarily has affect the 4th, Heart Chakra, and the chakra of the hands as a secondary position.

It protects the 3rd, Solar Plexus Chakra to aid in steady evolution of oneself

Held to the 2nd, Navel/Sacral Chakra for short periods of time when working to overcome situations that threaten one’s personal power, the Unakite will be of much help in assisting one’s well being. When meditating, use it when searching for answers to emotional questions.